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Educating children about financial literacy – Rise High Rookies

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Educating children about financial literacy – Rise High Rookies

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Are you a school or educational institution? If so, you can be part of the program educating children about financial literacy!

At Rise High Financial Solutions, we believe that financial literacy is an essential life skill. So, children need to learn how to manage money from an early age!

Rise High volunteers to increase the financial literacy of young Australians! We want to provide practical learning through interactive and engaging sessions with a mission to teach essential life and money lessons!

We make financial decisions every day. So it’s surprising that many Australians lack essential knowledge and skills in making these types of decisions. We hope to help with the Rise High Rookies program. Through the program, we aim to provide students with the financial knowledge they need to make wise decisions earlier.

Learning by trial and error later could leave a lasting mark on their credit rating or cause financial hardship.

Positive financial decision making can have a positive affect on emotional and mental wellbeing. It’s more important than ever that young people evaluate their options and make the best financial decisions possible.

About the Rise High Rookies Program

Learning the basics about money helps young people make smart decisions! This encourages them to practice good financial habits that will last a lifetime!

In an ever-changing and complex world, educating children about financial literacy is important. So, this program can teach the ability to understand the value of money, how to make and manage money, and how to create more wealth.

The program is tailored to deliver information in a fun and interactive way and offers 3 levels of complexity:

Level 1: Years 5 to 7

How we make money (included in all levels):

  • The importance of saving and setting saving goals;
  • How we determine good value; and
  • The difference between needs and wants.

Level 2: Years 8 to 9

  • Borrowing money and credit;
  • Mobile Phones; and
  • Part-time jobs, including how tax and super will affect them.

Level 3: Years 10 to 11

  • Credit Ratings and how this could affect their ability to borrow money;
  • Investing Money; and
  • Shares and Property.

The timeframes for presentations are 45 minutes for levels 1 & 2, and 1 hour for level 3. But, we can make adjustments to suit your timetable! Simply let us know what your needs are when you contact us.

The presentations are designed to give an overview of important financial knowledge. However, if students are interested in a particular area, we can arrange an in-depth presentation!

What does the School get out of it?

The school will…

  • Be provided with quality interactive presentations completely free of charge. All costs involved have been covered by the Mortgage & Finance Association of Australia (MFAA) and Rise High Financial Solutions!
  • See that the program has been developed in consultation with qualified teachers. This is to ensure we deliver a quality educational product aligned with the Australian Curriculum.
  • Have students who will have the financial knowledge they need to develop healthy finances.

What do the Students get out of it?

Students will…

  • Learn fundamental lessons about money and financial decision making through participating in a fun, interactive presentation.
  • Set their own savings goals and be inspired to get creative about how they can make money to achieve these goals.
  • Feel empowered to take control of their money and make smart financial decisions.

What do the Parents get out of it?

Parents will…

  • See a change in their child’s attitude towards money.
  • Be able to discuss what their child is learning with them. This provides the perfect opportunity talk to children about money!
  • Maybe even learn something new themselves! Financial discussions can benefit everyone, or attend one of Rise High’s seminars for adults!

How can your School participate?

If your school would like to book a presentation, or would like to know more, please get in contact with us!

 (08) 7131 1149
 www.risehigh.com.au

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