Rise High Financial Solutions

Purchase your First Home with possible Government Grants

Looking to purchase your first home? Want to fast-track your homeownership dream? We can help you through the process, including looking at possible Government Grants.
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Purchase your First Home with possible Government Grants

Looking to purchase your first home? Want to fast-track your homeownership dream? We can help you through the process, including looking at possible Government Grants.
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Getting your first home is really for anyone! For example, recently we had a client that was single and had never really thought about buying property before. They suddenly came across a property that they loved and wanted to know what their options were.  Although buying property was not previously on their mind, they did have some savings. We however helped them get their first home with the help of a state-based government incentive. This incentive allowed for a $10,000 interest-free home loan for five years. Combined with the government incentive and their savings, Rise High was abled to get them a home under $300,000. This left them with some surplus money to do some additional home improvements. The government incentive was very helpful as their savings alone would not be sufficient enough for a deposit. The government incentive has definately fast-tracked their ability to get into home ownership.

Are you looking to purchase your first home too? Learning more about our services for first-home buyers, checking out our blog or improving your house price negotiation skills can help!

Not sure about what the next step is for you? Get in touch with us today here ! We give specific personalised advice based on the situation of each client. Contact us and start your first step towards your new home. If not, check out Rise High TV for more free finance tips.

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