Rise High Financial Solutions

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Episode 1 – Welcome to Rise High TV

Rise High TV has been design to answer all of your questions on money, finances and property. Welcome to Rise High TV!
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Episode 1 – Welcome to Rise High TV

Rise High TV has been design to answer all of your questions on money, finances and property. Welcome to Rise High TV!
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Managing Director Marissa Schulze and the team at Rise High Financial Solutions will be producing content to educate you on all things finance. We want to help you achieve the future of your dreams. Our team is dedicated to helping improve the lives of our current and future clients.

Our Mission!

We want to equip you with the valuable information, education and tools you need to make the best financial decisions. You will develop healthy financial habits you’ll be using for years to come. We want you to take control of your money and have the lifestyle and future you desire.

If you want to design your ideal lifestyle and shape a future where you don’t have to always worry about money, we’re the channel for you.

What you want to know will shape the content for each and every episode. So we want to hear from you. To ensure we’re coving the topics you want have your say and subscribe to Rise High TV here!

We love to chat to you live! Send us questions and get an answer straight from the experts themselves. Follow us on social media and subscribe to our channel to get notified!

We hope the information and education we can provide helps to empower you on your financial journey!

Our suggestions for you:

Build your Property Investment Team of Experts

Property Investors who don’t surround themselves with a great team of experts, end up taking a lot longer to take action and see their desired results. They make more mistakes, waste more money and have more setbacks. Surrounding yourself with the right Property Investment Team of Experts will allow you to accelerate your success and avoid mistakes.

Land Tax September 2019 Update

What does Proposed Land Tax aggregation mean? Tune in as Marissa Schulze and Elias Farah, who is one of the top South Australian commercial and property lawyers. This article and video will feature all things land tax with all the recently proposed land tax changes.