Rise High Financial Solutions

Goal Setting – Facebook Live

In our January Facebook Live, Marissa and James talked about goal setting and the steps you need to take to make your goals a reality.
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Goal Setting – Facebook Live

In our January Facebook Live, Marissa and James talked about goal setting and the steps you need to take to make your goals a reality.
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South Australia has been going through some tough times with the fires. We are obviously really sad and devastated about what’s happening around Australia. We have been reaching out to our clients that have been impacted by the fires and helping them in any way that we can. If you know anyone that has been affected by the fires and there’s anything we can do, please reach out to us!

2020 is a new year and we are looking at how to make 2020 your best year yet! In order to do that, you really need to have some well thought out solid goals. In addition to that you must also know how to turn these goals into reality. It’s one thing thing to have goals but it’s another thing to actually make them come true. This video and article will be talking about how to convert those New Year’s resolutions into some solid tangible goals.

Get clear on your 2020 goals by following the steps outlined in our FREE downloadable Goal Setting worksheet.

Still not clear on your goals for 2021? Get in touch with us so that we can help you out here. For more tips on finance, chek out our YouTube channel Rise High TV !

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