Rise High Financial Solutions

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Navigating the current lending market – Sky News Real Estate

Marissa was invited onto the set of Sky News Real Estate to discuss the current lending environment and shared some tips on how to navigate your way through it.
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Navigating the current lending market – Sky News Real Estate

Marissa was invited onto the set of Sky News Real Estate to discuss the current lending environment and shared some tips on how to navigate your way through it.
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Rising Interest Rates – Is now the right time to fix?

Rising interest rates have been all over the news as of late! Under the rapidly changing conditions of the lending market, could now be a good time to fix your loan? Here is what our very own Marissa Schulze and Kristin Tunbridge recommend.

Thank You from Rise High

Rise High is celebrating its fifth birthday and as a thank you to our clients for the support we have received we put together this video showing highlights of the past 5 years.