Rise High Financial Solutions

Land Tax Legislation: What’s New in South Australia

How might the changes to the South Australian Land Tax Legislation impact you? What steps do you need to take to ensure you’re not paying more than you should?
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Land Tax Legislation: What’s New in South Australia

How might the changes to the South Australian Land Tax Legislation impact you? What steps do you need to take to ensure you’re not paying more than you should?
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Click here to receive your FREE RevenueSA Online Portal Instruction Booklet with a step-by-step guide to the Portal.

Following the introduction of the new Land Tax Legislation, Marissa Schulze and Adrian Cartland went live on Facebook in December to discuss what these changes were, what they meant for investors and how to best structure property under the new law. The changes to thresholds, rates and the assessment of land tax will be effective as of 1 July 2020. These changes are discussed in detail in this video.

As we explain in the above video, there are a number of key dates to take into consideration :

  • 3 June 2020 – Last date to review your land holding information and confirm or update your information in the RevenueSA Online PortalClick here to receive your FREE RevenueSA Online Portal Instruction Booklet.
  • 31 July 2020 – Last day to provide notice of land held in Trust ownership.
  • October 2020 – Land Tax assessments posted and application for Transition Funds Opens.
  • 31 March 2021 – Applications for Transition Fund closes for 20/21.
  • 30 June 2021 – Last day to nominate designated Beneficiary for a Discretionary Trust ownership.

Click here to access the Free Cartland Law Land Tax Calculator to determine how land tax payment might be impacted.

As a result of Covid-19, there have been a number of relief options announced by the Government, including;

  • Government increased relief to 100% in the first year
  • Deferral of land tax payments, not a reduction!
  • A 25% decrease in land tax if your tenants are not making rental payments

If you require further information, you can contact RevenueSA at the following locations;

  • Phone at (08) 8226 3750
  • Email at
  • Via the RevenueSA website

Regardless of your situation, we are here to help you. Let’s work together to create a plan to help you and your family!   

Click here to learn more about how we can help you on your property investment journey.

If you want to know more about your options please leave your details below and we will be in touch.

Our suggestions for you:

Sort your finances!

When you’re thinking about a New Years’ resolution or getting ready for a spring clean we have the item that should be top of the list: sort your finances! It’s never too late to get a handle on your finances and set yourself up for success.