Rise High Financial Solutions

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Testimonial – Katherine and Peter

Long-term clients, Katherine and Peter give their Testimonial. They explain why they love working with the Rise High team! Watch to find out what they have to say about our team!
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Testimonial – Katherine and Peter

Long-term clients, Katherine and Peter give their Testimonial. They explain why they love working with the Rise High team! Watch to find out what they have to say about our team!
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At Rise High, our first piority is to value our relationships with our clients and make those relationships stronger thoughout the years. Katherine and Peter have been clients at Rise High for over 5 years now and this has definately been the case. At Rise High, we focus on building long term relationships with our clients by specialising our advice specific to each client. We advice our clients on what is best for them long term. Furthermore we communicate with our clients on a regular basis providing advice and support even after the loan settlements. We have helped thousands of clients buy their dream homes and investment properties. We tend to always follow up with our clients. This has resulted in us saving our clients hundreds of thousands of dollars.

We have helped put Katherine and Peter on the right path of their finance journey. This is a result of simply getting their finances organised and on track. Watch the video above to hear more about Katherine and Peter’s testimonial and journey with Rise High. Helping customers like Katerine and Peter in their finance journey is genuinely one of the main purposes of Rise High. It warms our hearts to be able to have a good impact in our client’s lives and receive testimonials like these. We will continue putting our client’s best interest as our main piority.

You can be part of the family too!

Start your finance journey with our Rise High team today! Click here to get into contact with us so we can help you with your finance needs. To find out about finance tips, investing in property or buying your first home, visit Rise High Tv for more.

Our suggestions for you:

Reduce the impact of interest rate rises

With continuous interest rate rises, protecting your financial well-being and finding the best opportunities for your loan are likely to be the main concerns keeping you up at night! Join our very own Marissa Schulze and Kristin Tunbridge, as they present you with great tips to make the best decisions and navigate this rate-rising environment!

Stamp Duty Explained

There are many unexpected costs you will need to budget when purchasing a new property or buying a piece of land, Stamp Duty is one of them. Join Marissa and our very own Mathew Denton so you can have a clear idea of when it is payable, how it is calculated and what tax considerations might come into play.

How to Financially Survive and Thrive During Menopause

At Rise High, we are passionate about empowering women to have financial confidence and security through increased Financial Literacy. In partnership with Mimi Moon Meno, we recently recorded a Facebook Live session exploring the life and financial challenges associated with menopause.

Watch the video and read through our blog to discover tips that will help you thrive and survive during menopause.