Rise High Financial Solutions

Are you too old to buy a property?

Are you too old to buy a property? Purchasing property as you get older can present challenges. In this interview with Marissa, we find out how our amazing broker Kristin recently helped a client in his fifties purchase his dream home. Here we share his story.
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Are you too old to buy a property?

Are you too old to buy a property? Purchasing property as you get older can present challenges. In this interview with Marissa, we find out how our amazing broker Kristin recently helped a client in his fifties purchase his dream home. Here we share his story.
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The client

Kristen recently had a client come to her. This has been a client for some time now. Kristen has helped them purchase a property six to seven years ago. Now, in his 50’s he came to me and was really keen for a bit of a scenary change. He was looking to move out to the country. The client was concerned that given his age he would struggle to puchase another property. He did not want to let go of the exsisting property he had.

The process

We were able to put a plan into place. We could rent out his exsisting property and assist him to purchase his dream home out in the country. His age did cause challenges throughout the process of choosing lenders. This is beacause alot of banks has a policy in place where they have restrictions around age. The banks do however take into account other things. This includes their other assets, their financial position, super, equity in other properties and etc. All in all, our client had a good outcome on his valuation.

To answer your question” Are you too old to buy a property?” watch the video above for the full answer.

In conclusion, your situation doesn’t always mean you can’t achieve your goals. Make sure you get the right advice because there is always possibilities. We love to be the ones to help you, so please get in touch with us today here. Want more stories like this? Check out Rise High TV to here more of our client testimonials .

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