Rise High Financial Solutions

Build Your First Home by Managing Your Savings

Do you want the Australian dream of owning your own home but don’t know if it’s possible or what the options are? Build your first home with Rise High.
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Build Your First Home by Managing Your Savings

Do you want the Australian dream of owning your own home but don’t know if it’s possible or what the options are? Build your first home with Rise High.
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 In this interview with Marissa Schulze we find out how our broker Priya Ravi recently helped a family achieve the dream of not only owning their own home but building their own home. 

The client was a young couple with two young children. In their situation money was a bit tight and the client found it difficult to save a lot of money at once. The client was not even sure if they could enter the housing market. We then proceeded to meet the client and chat about their financial situation. After doing that, we decided that with their deposit situation, they needed more time to save some money. We then came up with a savings plan to achieve that. We decided on how much to put aside each month and to not touch any of that money. This is so that when the bank looks at it, it would be viewed as genuine savings. Letting the client know what grants were available to them and which ones they were eligible for is also an extremely important step in the process. After looking at the available options, the client decided it was a better decision to construct their house instead of buying it. This is because they can then use the first home buyers grant.

To find out the whole story without missing any details, be sure to watch the video above. For more information on getting your first home, investing in your first investment property, or even finding the right construction loan check out Rise High TV. If you have any questions be sure to let us know by contacting us here or commenting on our videos.

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