Rise High Financial Solutions

Navigating the current lending market – Sky News Real Estate

Marissa was invited onto the set of Sky News Real Estate to discuss the current lending environment and shared some tips on how to navigate your way through it.
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Navigating the current lending market – Sky News Real Estate

Marissa was invited onto the set of Sky News Real Estate to discuss the current lending environment and shared some tips on how to navigate your way through it.
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A relationship breakdown can be a difficult time for everyone concerned. However, what happens when a relationship breaks down and there is a business involved too?  We recently helped a client get out of a tough financial situation after separating from her partner and splitting their business.  Here we share her story.

Screenshot of Marissa Schulze talking about paying off unwanted debt

Pay off unwanted debt!

When you are staring at a mountain of debt it can feel like you are at the starting line of a marathon and the finish line looks impossibly far away… But, just like when you embark on a marathon, you take one step at a time. The first step is always the hardest. But once you take that first step, then the second step and so forth you will start to get into the routine, and you will be well on your path to pay off that unwanted debt.